Friday, April 24, 2009


As parents, we don't want our precious little angels (yeah, right) to have potty mouths. We try to come up with little sayings that keep our own potty mouths at bay, at least around the kids, right? Well, one of my favorites is DADGUM IT! Pretty acceptable, even out of the mouths of babes, right? Well, that is unless your youngest angel translates that saying to be DA-OM IT! Go ahead, say it out loud. Now picture a 2 year old running around saying it. The committee just called and they are engraving my Mother of the Year plaque as we speak.


  1. Ha! That's what you get for trying. I myself am a bit of a road rager, and had to train myself to say "bad driver" as opposed to the other 4 letter options, when some *%#!head cuts me off. John would respond by freaking out a bit, but saying "bad driver" and chastising the other car thoroughly. It was all working just fine, until John started calling me a bad driver. "mommy bad driver" did that happen?

  2. Oh Keri. Don't be so modest. We all know this isn't your first "M.O.Y." award. Just messing. Love you!!

  3. Had to check out your blog after your kind words about mine! It's adorable... and I love your daughter's name! If you're ever in the heartland (Columbus, OH), look us up! Hope you had a happy mother's day!
