Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Bad Blogger

I am having blogger guilt. It has been over A MONTH since my last blog. So much is going on right now that I don't even know where to start...so I'm not. Life is life, and this too shall pass.

My babies are doing wonderfully!!! Kortlen gets more fiesty with each passing day. I can't even imagine what Jr. High is going to be like. Please start praying for me now!! I have rescheduled her eye surgery for June 26th. I am so ready to get that done. Her eyes are getting worse and worse, so it is time. Tonight she was singing Hannah Montana's "Hoedown Throwdown" and dancing it on my bed. It just made my heart smile. She is precious and a gift from God...I am so thankful.

Kerrigan has her second dance recital this weekend. She is pumped (and, of course, that means I am SUPER busy....gotta love recital week.) She is doing a duet with her cute little friend Brittany, a solo, and 3 group routines. So much fun. There is nothing like seeing your baby on stage. LOVE IT! Kerrigan is so independant. I love her sassy little self and her huge personality. She is a princess!

Quinton is winding down the school year. Quinton was diagnosed with dyslexia last summer and we really worried about first grade....but there was no need! That boy is so smart! He made straight A's and never made less than a 100 on a spelling test (after being told last year he would never even be able to DO a spelling list this year that is quite the accomplishment). That is thanks to a great dyslexia program and the BEST teachers ever (We love Mrs Sample and Mrs Widemon!). He is going to go to summer school this year (Boo to early mornings) to help him stay on task with his reading, but my easy going boy will love it. He has such a sweet funny spirit and a love for life; he is such a joy.

I have lots of changes coming up in my life. I have taken a full time teaching position at the high school next year. I know that this is the best decision for me at this time, but it is so bittersweet. I love teaching, and know that I will love adding algebra to my teaching day, but I am sad that I will not be teaching at the studio next year. I am also sad that my girls will be away from me all day, but hour wise I think it will stay about the same. I am thankful for Erin, First Kids, and Aunt Charliene because I know they will be loved and well taken care of while I am at work. I also have taken on selling Scentsy...which I LOVE!!! So fun! Keep our family in your thoughts as many changes are ahead. I appreciate it.
