Sunday, March 22, 2009

Warmer Weather = Dirty Bath Water

I am loving this weather and so are my kiddos! They spent the entire weekend outside. You should have seen the dirt (and smelt it...ooh wee!). If the toes weren't bad enough when we took the crocs off, the bath water would do you in! Tonight, after the water drained, there was this nice layer of dirt on the bottom of the bathtub to remind me of just how nasty those babies were when they got into that tub. My joy is that the dirtier that bath water is, the more fun my kids have had during that day. I am so thankful for the fact that they are healthy and able to run around outside and enjoy the beautiful weather.

Also, my kids have an awesome place to play outdoors...right next door at NANA's! We live next door to my mom, and my sister and her twins live with her, so they also have built in playmates. Nana has the coolest backyard ever. First of all, the view is phenomenal. (I will post a picture of that soon, so you can all see it.) Also, my mom has a green thumb, so the flowers, trees, bushes, grass, etc. always look great, except when the grandkids or the dogs get to digging. If that is not enough, she has an excellent driveway with an awesome hill that is the best place to ride bikes. Don't forget the swing set, the enormous tree swing, the "short" trampoline, the miniature horse in the back, and the jungle gym! I mean it is a virtual petting zoo/nature trail/park all right next door. No wonder they want to live there instead of here! (Could be because they think Nana hung the moon and I am "the meanest mom alive"!!)

Let me give you an example of how EVERY morning that the kids don't have school goes at my house:

Me - opening one eye as I am being woken by one of my kids to this question
Kid - "Can we go to Nana's?"
Me - (on my way to the potty) "not yet"
Kid #2 - "When can we go to Nana's?"
Me - (on my way out of the bathroom) "later"
Kid #3 - "I wanna go to Nana's! and I want coke peez!" (that is Kort)
Me - "Not right now...and no"
Kid - "But we need to go to Nana's - I want to ride my (insert bike or scooter or whatever here )"
Me - "Nana's still asleep" or "Nana isn't home" or whatever lie I can come up with to buy me 15 minutes.

Okay, now I could go on, but it would get extremely redundant and I think you get the idea. It is not that I don't want to go to Nana's, but I like to at least get a few chores done around the house before we spend the entire day outside! Some days I can hold out for a few hours; others, we are there before I can even change out of my pajamas! Now, when we drive up after school, it is the same scenario. And don't even get me started on those girls asking me if it is a school night. Heidi, Halli, and Kerrigan think if it is not a school night that they should spend the night together! They spent Friday night at my house, and KerrBear spent Saturday night over there this weekend! I think that it is so cool that they are so close. It won't be long before Kortlen is right there with them. Poor Quinton...he is the only boy. He and Len are so outnumbered!

By the way, I am on to that son of mine. Someday he will read this and laugh. He has gotten in the habit of asking me if he can have an apple at night because a)it is healthy and he knows I will let him have it and b)it takes him FOREVER to eat it. Pretty slick, huh? Pushing that bedtime back via fruit. It is a banana for you tomorrow night Mister!!

All in all, it was a great weekend!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Surgery postponed!

We arrived at 6:00 AM this morning only to be sent on our way this morning. Kortlen had a pulse rate of 185, respiration rate of 44, 91% oxygen reading, and 101.6 temp. Her only normal vital was her blood pressure! They did get the oxygen reading up to 98% so that was reassuring. The rest of those not so great readings can be attributed to the fever. So, Dr. Hunter said to get on out of there and reschedule for a later date. He also suggested that we see Dr. Austin, which we did and you guessed it, a virus! Probably the same virus that Kerrigan had during spring break. Oh, well, we will get it done eventually. I am going to call Monday to reschedule. Thanks for the prayers and I will keep you updated!

Crazy side note...turns out that last year on March 20, we were having tubes put in Kortlen's ears, she started running fever and got a rash, and had to head over to Dr. Austin's office after surgery that day as well. Kinda weird, huh? Same day! At least last year we got the surgery done first!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Surgery tomorrow...maybe

It is late and I should be in bed since I have to be at Kortlen's surgery at 6:00 AM, but I thought a blog was called for! Kortlen is scheduled to be in surgery at 7:15, but she started running a low grade temperature earlier this evening. I spoke to Dr. Hunter and he said surgery is on for now, but we will look at the situation in the morning. I really hope we get to do this; I do not want to have to reschedule! Of course, if there is a possibility that she is sick, I will do so in a heartbeat. We could use some prayers, guys!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Promises, Pedicures and Parties!

I started my day (well at noon, but it is spring break) with a promise to myself. A diet promise! I promise that by July I will be healthier and a lot less hippy-er. So back to Metabolic Research Center I go. I am putting this in my blog because when the whole world knows (or at least the 3 of you who read my blog) I will feel more obligated to follow through! I also have a friend doing it with me this time so that always helps!

After the trip to weigh in, Kerrigan and I headed back to Wal-Mart. I had gotten a pedicure yesterday, and had promised Kerrigan we would get her toenails done ASAP. Quinton and Kortlen were hanging out with Reece and Rylen (Thank you Erin!! Everyone needs an Erin in their lives!) and low and behold there was a new nail establishment in Wal-Mart. So off to get those toe nails glamorous! See the picture below to see just how fabulous we look!

After retrieving my oldest and youngest kiddos, we headed to our next destination...Burkelyn's Cowgirl birthday party. Happy 3rd birthday Burkelyn Jean! She looked precious in her cute little dress and PINK cowgirl boots. I am sure that will be the top of the wish list for my girls after seeing those little jewels! Chili and cupcakes and rootbeer, oh my! There was tons of fun to be had!

All in all, it was a great day, despite the un-Texas like weather. I am over the cold. I mean OVER it. Spring Break is almost over...a little sad, but ready for the routine to get back in swing. We went to the Fort Worth Zoo (I will have to blog about that - so fun), slept until at least 9:00 every day, stayed up late, played outside (for the first half of the week), and were as lazy as could be! Just a glimpse of what summer will bring!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Bath Time

This is an old picture, but I just love it! We were trying to get a picture for a frame for the bathroom over a year ago, and the kids just kept cracking up! Never got that picture right, but I love the look on Kortlen's face!

I love bath time. Most of the time that is. Of course there are those nights when Kort has pulled the bath mat into the tub AGAIN and dumped 4 cups of water onto the floor AGAIN and I just want it to be over, but most of the time it is very insightful.

We are getting away from doing baths all together (too much tallewhacker (sp?) curiosity!) but that sure was easy to get all 3 done at once! Kids love to share stories and show tricks in the tub and I love that. The other night Heidi and Halli (my sister Kelli's twins) were at the house, so all 4 girls were in the "big tub" together. We were practicing winking. Heidi is a pro, alternating eyes. That is one coordinated child. Halli can wink, but as with most of her actions, it is a little more awkward! Kerrigan is almost there, and Kortlen was giving it her all. After a few attempts, she said, "I can't. I too wittle." So cute!

Next we were on to what we wanted to be when we grow up. Halli, who may be less apt with the gross motor skills than Heidi, is one artistic chick, so I thought it was very insightful that she wanted to be "a lady who paints pictures". Heidi didn't care to answer, Kerrigan said she didn't know. I asked if anyone wanted to be a mommy when they grew up. Kortlen, who didn't look like she was paying any attention, said "I do, I be momma". That girl loves her some babies. I think she will love being a mom some day. Let's just pray that it is at least 25 years or so before she starts that!

Right about then, Quinton burst in naked as a jaybird. Lots of giggling there from the girls. That boy will be a comedian someday. He loves being the center of attention and making those girls laugh. Let's just hope that if he chooses a career in entertainment that it will not involve any nudity.

These are the memories that I want to remember and hold on to. I don't know if I am just nostalgic because I realize that my BABY will be 2 in a couple of weeks (Don't worry, mom, I am still not wanting another one!) or if it is because I am up at 1 AM with KerrBear who's a little under the weather, or if I am just realizing how short the time that our kids are little really is, but I am appreciating these moments more and more. (I am sure it is not because I am getting OLDER, but maybe it is because I am gaining wisdom!)
I am so thankful for my babies.

Here's another attempt at that picture....

Monday, March 2, 2009

Great weekend!

We had a wonderful weekend at the Pierce household! Mimi aka Tanya aka Len's mom came to visit! My kids LOVE Mimi and were so excited to have her at our house for the weekend. Saturday was the Coronation and Winter Semi-Formal dance which the drill team sponsors, so Mimi came in to help out with my kids. We got to have lunch with Chance and Jenn, lots of fun visiting, and tons of Mimi time. Good times! Also, Kerrigan got her diamond earrings! Mimi got some pictures of that so I will post them when I get a copy.

I am so blessed to have such a wonderful mother-in-law. I know that a lot of people suffer through their in-laws at holidays, make nice, and then gripe and moan to whomever will listen, but I have to say that God has smiled down on me in that department. And I am thankful! My kids are blessed with two WONDERFUL grandmothers. (OK, I know that sounds like sucking up, but I really mean it!)

Now I have to share a story. I am using this blog as a diary for myself to remember all the funny things that go on in my life as much as a post to keep the world informed on my insane life, so you will just have to bear with me as I share. I was reading Jane E's blog and she was telling of her "turtle" like kids. Us moms all have the tell our kids to HURRY UP at least 100 times a day, so I was feeling her pain when I was reminded of this story:

Little Rich, who is Len's youngest brother, is 12 now. When he was about 4, we spent a lot of time together. He was a hoot, and you never knew what he was going to say. Being a typical kid, he was always dragging his feet and I would always tell him he was slow as molasses! (Funny thing is I tell my own kids that all the time now!) One day, I was trying to get him to get in the car quickly and kept telling him to hurry up. He looked at me and said "Keri, am I still slow as your a** is?" He thought all along that I was saying he was as slow as my-a**-is! How funny is that?